Untitled.. (lyric)

It can't come true, so I've put my dreams on hold but i can run through the sheets of grass, icy, cold. I am sleeping but my mind's still awake, so let's just keep it till tomorrow, You did come here but there's nothing to take, what's the use of drowning yourself in sorrow.. Now i'm running wild through the lush green meadows, walking and wandering down with the stream. It's like I'm still chasing the shadows, about time i wanna wake up from this dream.. I dug my nails through my heart, to get you out of it, you are already out of my sight, i'm tearing you away now bit by bit.. I drew some lines on the sand, hoping for it not to be ceased by the waves, the pains given won't be easily mend, the feeling were but inside the darkest deepest caves.. Spare me with all the gory details for I was killed a thousand times.. Don't try to come back as of now, I'm dealing.. I can't speak of it, don...