Dream a little dream of me

As she struggled with her heavy cabin luggage, a chirpy attendant came forward for her help and together they tried to push it into the drawer above their heads. Thanking the attendant for her assistance she sat down on her window seat with the phone in her hand, headphones dangling from it. As she pushed her handbag under her chair, she stuffed the earplugs which were already playing some song. Since she had already gotten comfortable, she unlocked her phone with a simple pattern and opened the gallery. Her screen filled up with photos; photos with happy faces of her friends, cousins and a person; her person. She zoomed to the last few photos, selfies to be precise, taken some twenty-twenty five minutes ago. Two faces, smiling at the camera but a peculiar sadness in their eyes. Her fingers swiped to a particular one, where she looked pretty surprised because the person in the photo seemed to have stolen a kiss in between the shot. A smile along with a tear escaped from her lips and ey...