If food be the food of love, feast on..

3rd Wave Coffee Roasters, Glen's Bakehouse: the first official date. I reached late, thinking he probably hates me already or maybe it'll be a turn off and this will be the only time we'll meet.. cut to three hours later, he was dropping me home and doing hello to my mius.. I slept happy wondering if I would see him again.. sometime soon? Cafe Azzure: Three days from our first outdoor meet cute, we chanced upon another date.. I was beyond the stars, really. I made a pact that I won't be/can't be late this time.. (but I am also a firm non believer of ' first impression is the last impression') . Seeing him arrive, as if out of the dreamy mist of my imaginations, my heart may have skipped a beat but my head had to be practical.. floating down I had acted very normal while listening to his soothing voice imagining "would it be wrong if I kiss him?" Cafe Shillong, Bakery in dispur: I really didn't think we'd meet after he had left for home. ...