27 th October, the first time I witnessed the winter chills this year. It touched or rather attacked me with all its might when I was comfortably walking back my way home from office. My snug blackish grey T-shirt and denims couldn’t protect me. I had to brace myself against the darn cold winds and move on. Oh yes, I did feel it a day before 27 th too but then I was on a motor bike, riding as a pillion, returning back from a horribly terrible movie, 10 at night. It’s natural to think that it was a result of a paranoia that I suffer from while riding bikes. There, I said it; I am scared of sitting pillion on bikes. I have this terrible feeling that the moment the driver pushes the accelerator; I will roll back and fall down on the road. Okay, I digressed from the point. So, as I was saying I felt that chill. And I didn’t enjoy it. I do not like winters. I hate the cold mornings, cold afternoons, cold everything! I hate to wear so many layers and getting lost undernea...