There comes a time for you when you are in a crisis for no reason. Well, maybe you created that situation yourself, but accept it that you do not want to accept it. Things that were supposed to change, didn’t. Tasks that you wanted to finish, you couldn’t. Things that you should be doing, you aren’t.

We hoped for a lot while we were carving that life chart for ourselves in the bark of that metaphorical tree of our existence but we are content with a lot less and we don’t even want to strive anymore (well, some of us at least). We are definitely unhappy about it but we will still push it further back and happily procrastinate. Things that were so important to achieve a few years ago have left the premises of our life. Things we wanted to acquire by this time have been shoved a few more years ahead. It’s okay, we’ll get there someday.

By this time when we had imagined to have achieved the momentum of greatness we actually lost a few very good friends, gone through a phase of bad relations and embarrassing moments, got stuck in a job which pays us to survive but not to dream, and most importantly, has left us empty and unfulfilled.

How did we land up here? We had everything planned out, penned down, thought up. Life was supposed to be all exciting and adventurous. It was supposed to be thriving yet composed. What the heck happened then? Life happened. Reality happened. And at the top of all, indolence happened. And you know what, however bitter it may sound or seem.. it’s here to stay. Stay till it’s almost too late (I’m saying it again, it’s true for at least some of us). Don’t worry; we’ll warm up to it.

Welcome almost everyone from my age group to the “quarter-life crisis”. Enjoy it before you realise it and mend your ways. Till then let life suck out the air of off you.


  1. Poignant and well written. Thats everyday crisis for everyone. You should write more often.

    1. Hai such a good boy to comment here! Thanks.. ����

  2. I could relate to this word by word..

  3. Dear very well written with good flow and combination of words. And this quarter life crisis is very closely related to me too. .Have to reshuffle everything and break new ways. have a worthful life. .

  4. Dear very well written with good flow and combination of words. And this quarter life crisis is very closely related to me too. .Have to reshuffle everything and break new ways. have a worthful life. .


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