friends....different ages...different stages....lots of experiance.

the age and time leads to different stages of can be seen that a gang of friends that a child had in his primary school differs from the one he had in his high school or in his graduation is all due to the kind of exposure a person gets during his every step he gets to learn new things about human nature, behavior and the line between right and wrong. he also applies the method of trials and errors which gives him a chance to alter his chioce of friends.
with the passing time the definition of friendship also keeps changing in the mind of a person....they now look for more of trust in a friendship thn just playing,studying and talking. one little act of mistrust can ruin the whole relation which would be very hard to resume again, just like a knot on a rope or a break in a china which is impossible to mend. while guys will look for friends who share the same interests as them....gals will choose someone with whom they can talk,shop,and rant till eternity....but one thing remains the same...that is the trust on the other person....
well for me, my friends are my life and support in my hard times...what is friendship for you?? lets share...
till then..keep experiencing!!!
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