A Fragile Bond Called TRUST....

A new life itself starts with a trust between the spouses. and its a wonderful journey of only "trust" that keeps the mother and the baby going forward. at the end of 9 months, its the doctor, upon whom that women submits all of her trust that that person would help her welcome a new life....and a beautiful one.
It is being said by many: " a trust once broken cannot be mended back. it is like a cracked china, a knot in a rope." sounds cliche, doesn't it? i would give you some new ones..... " its like being left in middle of an ocean with your hands and feet tied. like being locked in a room with no air to breath". you are actually helpless then.
It is very easy to build up a trust, but, it is as hard as a rock to build back the trust that is broken once. we always know that its hard, but we still make the same mistake.....once, twice, thrice. ya....its true that only human beings make mistakes, but do we realize and mend it? do we learn from those mistakes? the answer is NO.....
Just imagine...what would have happened if the flower never trusted the bees.....a child never trusted its mother.....a fish never trusted the water....the farmer never trusted the rains for its crops???
But I have the believe that someday i would have a complete unbreakable trust on someone. Yes I believe.....and I am always positive!
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