A Fragile Bond Called TRUST....

" I trust you. " aren't these too strong words for both the people who says it and to whom it is being said? A new life itself starts with a trust between the spouses. and its a wonderful journey of only "trust" that keeps the mother and the baby going forward. at the end of 9 months, its the doctor, upon whom that women submits all of her trust that that person would help her welcome a new life....and a beautiful one. It is being said by many: " a trust once broken cannot be mended back. it is like a cracked china, a knot in a rope." sounds cliche, doesn't it? i would give you some new ones..... " its like being left in middle of an ocean with your hands and feet tied. like being locked in a room with no air to breath". you are actually helpless then. It is very easy to build up a trust, but, it is as hard as a rock to build back the trust that is broken once. we always know that its hard, but we still make the...