the shangri-la....

so far so good...
we reach Tezpur at the appointed time..the frst thng i notice about the town is tht its beautiful!!! my friend from the univ picked us(the two lost souls) from the stoppage. though the lunch we had in a local restro was not tht good,still the hunger made it tastier than i expected... we were tired but we still had an hour more to go... my body wanted to give up,but my spirit didnt.......period.

so we have reached the university...the route was less of a road and more of a roller coaster ride...the potholes felt bigger than the craters of the moon!!! i would take some time off to really praise the patience of the ASTC drivers who commute through this route all day long!!!!
as we enterd the huge,decorated and very beautifully carved out gate of the TEZPUR UNIVERSITY i started to feel as if i am a student there already...we decide to leave the bus and walk to the hostel gust house to admire the serene environ and soak it on.. the only word that came to my mind and lips was a "wow"!! the moment i set my foot out of the bus
my fatigue seemed to have run miles away..i was inside my shangri-la..

the university campus was was like a town insyd a town friend Amelia* showed us around the campus in a jiffy as she knew tht we wer too tired to walk anymore...but the strangest thing was that the weather changed from a bad sunny/dusty day to a more cooler and airy if to welcome our arrival in their town..
nothng was more soothing and relaxing to us than a nice bath and a hot cuppa coffee which had awaken my senses it was going to RAIN!!!!

lets stop it here again...will surely continue it..till then be good..

N.B: *i hav changed some names agen :)


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